by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | May 23, 2018 | Non-Profits, Teamwork | Communication, Management, Relationships
Lately, I’ve been in several conversations with major gift officers asking me essentially the same thing: “What should I do when I can’t get something done with [fill in the blank with a department or person], when it would really help move the relationship forward...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Aug 1, 2016 | Focus, Teamwork | Accountability, Discipline, Goal-setting, Management, Uncategorized
Lately I’ve been with a number of people who are struggling with accountability in their life and work. Here are good people who say they want someone to hold them accountable to either their work or to an action they need to take to better themselves in some way… but...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Nov 18, 2015 | Success, support, Teamwork | Fundraising, Leadership, Major Gift Officers, Management, Relationships, Teamwork, Uncategorized
If you recall my last post, you know that I met this amazing sales manager, Tom, who sat next to me on a recent flight. Like I said, I’ve never in my entire career sat next to a sales manager. It was one of the most enlightening and gratifying professional...