Going on a First Date Doesn’t Mean They Want to Marry You

I’ve been reading a bunch of blogs out there about how donors don’t really want relationships with non-profits. Richard and I are also getting some comments on our own blog about the idea that perhaps all this donor-relationship, donor-centric stuff is overblown. In...

Getting Appointments – Handling Appointment Objections – Part 2

On the last post I talked about building relationship as the first step toward getting a relationship.  Now, I want to go back to the original questions/objections I started this post with and give you my suggestions on how to handle each one. FIRST, my assumption is...

Getting Appointments – Handling Appointment Objections – Part 1

If you are always looking for the right moment to ask for the money, you will never find it. You have to be ready, willing and able to close what you started. You have to take the risk of hearing “no”. If that happens, don’t take the rejection to heart. The...

How to Think About the Cost Of Major Gift Fundraising #6

#6 – Getting Rid of Cost by Getting Rid of Donors I will never forget the major gift officer I sat down with several years ago who was managing a list of 864 donors!  That’s right – 864. It had never dawned on her that there was no way she could relate to each...