by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Dec 26, 2022 | Caseload Management, Communication, Qualification, Qualifying Donors | Qualifying, Relationships, Stewardship
If there is anything that you could do right now to make your life easier as a major gift officer, it would be to make sure all your donors are qualified. This means that the donors in your portfolio not only made a qualifying major gift, but that they also want to...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Oct 29, 2014 | Donor Retention, Major Gift Pipeline, Qualifying Donors | Major Gifts, Mid-level donors, Stewardship, Uncategorized
You have likely been in the situation where a current or new donor reaches the $500+ cumulative level of giving, and either the MGO drops everything to handle her, or the donor is handed off to someone who should not be dealing with donors – or the donor just sits in...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Apr 14, 2014 | Donors, gratitude, Money, Qualifying Donors, Stewardship | Donor-Centered, Moves Management, Philanthropy, Uncategorized
Paul and Rebecca (not their real names) started giving to a social service organization in the early 90’s. They were a conservative couple from an average neighborhood. But they wanted to do good in their community, so their first gift was $50 to a direct mail...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Mar 17, 2014 | Accountability, Caseload Value, Managing, Qualifying Donors, Stewardship | Development Directors, Major Gift Officers, Major Gifts, Philanthropy, Uncategorized
If I gave you $1,000,000, but told you I needed to control the investment, and then after one full year the investment became $520,000, and by the end of the second year it became $330,000, you would think I was either the worst financial advisor or just plain crazy....
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Mar 12, 2014 | Accountability, Donors, Managing, Qualifying Donors, Stewardship | Development Directors, Major Gift Officers, Major Gifts, Uncategorized
Things are not going well for you as an MGO. You feel as though you are not managing your donors properly or, in many ways, you could be managing them better. You are behind in revenue and it’s time to take a look at HOW you are doing things. Well, if this describes,...