by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Dec 2, 2013 | Impact, Investment, Philanthropy | Major Gifts, Marketing Plans, Mission, Uncategorized
Many non-profit organizations that Richard and I encounter are struggling with how to grow. Demand is up, yet the resources are not there, whether human or financial, to meet it. I hear non-profit leaders constantly saying, “We need more new donors. We need more...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Nov 8, 2013 | Joy, leadership, Philanthropy | Donor-Centered, Major Gift Officers, Non-Profits, Uncategorized
Right now you are probably in the middle of going in a hundred different directions. As an MGO or development professional, this is one of the craziest times of the year. There are donors to call and meet, proposals to get out, events to execute, bosses to appease…...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Nov 1, 2013 | Accountability, Asking, Philanthropy | Hiring, Major Gift Officers, Mission, Uncategorized
You should NOT be a major gift officer if… You don’t value being held accountable. — Notice I didn’t say you don’t “like” to be held accountable. Valuing and liking are two different things. You don’t have to like it, but you need to see why it’s important for you. ...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Oct 3, 2013 | Giving, leadership, Philanthropy | Uncategorized, White Paper
Another article from Veritus Group to help you succeed at major gift fundraising. What you will learn in this article: What a non-profit looks like that has a culture of philanthropy. How to create a culture of philanthropy at your organization. Why telling your story...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Sep 16, 2013 | Giving, Philanthropy, Vision | Donor-Centered, Giving, Major Gifts
Major Gift Officers and non-profit leaders around the country, at this very moment, are trying to figure out how to get one of their donors to say “YES” to a project or program that needs funding that will, in some way, change the world. Richard and I, along with our...