by Jeff Schreifels | Jul 15, 2024 | Donor strategy, fall, Passion, Planning, Stewardship | Fundraising, Passions and Interests, Personal Development, Professional Development, Self-care
It happens slowly. You start out with new ideas every day for communicating with and engaging your donors. You’re excited by the interactions you have with people, and you’re actively listening to your donors as they reveal their passions and interests. You’re...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Aug 12, 2020 | Fundraising, Passion, Strategic Plans | Development Directors, Major Gift Officers, Major Gifts
Every week Richard and I answer dozens of questions from Executive Directors, Development Directors and Major Gift Officers. While every question is slightly different and every non-profit is unique, there are basic key absolutes hidden in all of them. So today I’m...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Jan 6, 2020 | job satisfaction, New Year, Passion, Resolutions | Jobs, Self-care
Second of Six New Year’s Resolutions that will Change Your Life Do what you love. When you love your work, you become the best worker in the world. – Uri Geller I lied to you. In my last post I said that serving your donors should be your #1 resolution. That was a big...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Jan 1, 2020 | Fundraising, Passion, Planning | Accountability, Development Directors, Metrics
7 Keys to a Successful Major Gift Program – Key #7: What You Get Done Matters! I was shocked when the MGO closed the door and told me about how her manager related to her. “No one ever asked me for a goal for the year,” she said. “In fact, I didn’t even have a work...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Nov 6, 2019 | Career, Passion | Fundraising, Jobs, MGOs
“I hate my job!” How many people can and will say that today? Thousands. Likely millions. It’s true that not everyone will have the job they love or even like. But as a MGO, can you still be effective and not love your job? As Jeff and I have thought about this, we’ve...