by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Mar 31, 2023 | Accountability, Keys to Success, Management, Non-Profit Leadership, Strategic Plan, Work Your Plan | Accountability, Executive Directors, Fundraising, Leadership, Non-Profits
In my last post, I urged frontline fundraisers to not worry about the outside forces they can’t control, and to focus on executing their fundraising plan for each donor in their portfolio… the one thing they do have control over. Now, I want to specifically address...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Mar 20, 2023 | Major Gift Officers, Manage by Objectives, Management, Non-Profit Leadership, Scheduling | Hiring and Retaining Staff, Leadership, Major Gift Officers, Management, Non-Profits, Overworked, Performance, Structure
One of the greatest lessons that Richard gave me as he mentored me over the years has been to manage by objectives (versus micromanaging a person by tasks, hours, et cetera). If you manage by objectives, you give your employee the freedom to do the work in a way that...
by Guest Contributor | Jul 13, 2022 | Management, Mid-level fundraising, Mid-Level Programs, Non-Profit Leadership | Leadership, Management, Mid-level donors, Non-Profits, Overcoming Objections
“Can you talk to our team?” It’s not an unusual request, but one we often receive when we suggest to folks that investing in a mid-level program is their logical next step in ensuring a healthy donor pipeline. The common scenario is that our contact, who has been...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Jul 18, 2022 | Employee Management, Employee Retention, Management, MGO Retention, Retention | Hiring, Hiring and Retaining Staff, Management, Retention
Did you know that on average, fundraisers are leaving their jobs every 15-18 months? The non-profit sector has a serious problem with employee retention, and it’s particularly an issue in relationship-based fundraising roles because it can take up to a year or more...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Jun 15, 2022 | Donor Pipeline, Management, Nonprofit management | Management, Pipeline Development, Strategic Plans
In my last blog, I wrote about why your organization’s future depends on your donor pipeline. I hope you’ve taken steps to find the donor pipeline in your organization structure. If you have, now it’s time to evaluate how you’re feeding and caring for that pipeline...