by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | May 5, 2014 | Accountability, Director of Major Gifts, Donors, Stewardship | Development Directors, Major Gifts, Strategic Plans, Uncategorized
It was time to trot out my PowerPoint presentation and go through all the points of what we did as a company, the results we secured and HOW we did it. I had been invited into the office of the President of a very prestigious eastern non-profit. The purpose of the...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Apr 18, 2014 | Director of Major Gifts | Major Gift Officers, Major Gifts, Management, Philanthropy, Uncategorized
A few months ago I attended a conference and had a chance to meet with the Director of Major Gifts of a fairly well known non-profit. I wondered how this meeting was going to go, because it was actually the director’s boss who had asked us to get together and discuss...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Apr 7, 2014 | Director of Major Gifts, Donors, Fundraising, Prospects, Stewardship | Development Directors, Non-Profits, Philanthropy, Uncategorized
There is a discussion going on about how to label the person who gives money to an organization. Is the individual a donor or a prospect? In most health care and educational institutions, the fundraising folks use the word “prospect” when speaking about donors. In...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Mar 5, 2014 | Director of Major Gifts, Donors, Fundraising, Stewardship | Development Directors, Major Gift Officers, Major Gifts, Uncategorized
If you have ever experienced a TED talk, you know that every single speaker consistently presents a topic in a fascinating and engaging way. A friend of mine recently told me that he wondered why each presentation was so good. So he researched the subject and...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Feb 17, 2014 | Director of Major Gifts, Donors, Fundraising, Money | Development Directors, Major Gifts, Non-Profits, Philanthropy, Uncategorized
When I used the word “sell” as in “what programs do you have to sell to your donors?” some MGOs take offense and say: “Richard, we don’t sell stuff to donors!” OK. Present it. Explain it to donors. Whatever. The point is that in major gifts, the successful MGO...