Leadership requires a specific skillset and perspective, one that’s interested in finding success and delivering results through others. It’s not as simple as taking your best frontline fundraiser and putting them in charge. In this podcast episode, Jeff is joined by special guest Greg Gibbs, who shares whether management is the right track for your career, and provides some tips to help current managers get better at their jobs.
Nothing But
Major Gifts
A Podcast on Fundraising from Veritus Group
Major gift fundraising is the lifeblood of non-profit organizations around the world. Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels address major gifts twice monthly, to help you and your organization connect with donors in authentic ways to make an impact in your community – and the world.
Are You Made for Management?
Leadership requires a specific skillset and perspective, one that’s interested in finding success and delivering results through others. It’s not as simple as taking your best frontline fundraiser and putting them in charge. In this podcast episode, Jeff is joined by special guest Greg Gibbs, who shares whether management is the right track for your career, and provides some tips to help current managers get better at their jobs.
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The Basics You Still Don’t Have Down
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How to Be More Efficient in Your Year-End Planning
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