Six Skills to Look for When Hiring a Fundraiser Without a Fundraising Background

Six Skills to Look for When Hiring a Fundraiser Without a Fundraising Background

The adage is that you can teach skills but not attitude. When it comes to hiring fundraisers, I’d add a hearty, “Amen.”   To keep up with my own community, I have a LinkedIn alert for major gift jobs. I’m surprised when non-profits with small budgets are offering...
Being a Frontline Fundraiser is NOT a 9 to 5 Job!

Being a Frontline Fundraiser is NOT a 9 to 5 Job!

Recently, we shared on Facebook and our other social media about a free white paper of ours called, “Six Secrets to Becoming an Extraordinary Major Gift Officer.” One of the six secrets is that if you are to become an extraordinary major gift officer, you need to...
Would You Hire a Fundraiser with No Fundraising Experience?

Would You Hire a Fundraiser with No Fundraising Experience?

Are you having a hard time finding frontline fundraising talent? You’re not the only one. We’re hearing from our clients how difficult it is finding people to respond to job postings and recruitment efforts. Additionally, if you read any of our trade publications, it...
Your Reputation Matters: Restoring Donors’ Trust in Your Organization (Part 4 of 4)

Your Reputation Matters: Restoring Donors’ Trust in Your Organization (Part 4 of 4)

I was talking with a business colleague and asked him if he knew Ralph [not his real name]. “You know,” I said. “That guy who used to work at [name of organization].” “Oh, you mean Ralph [last name]? Yeah, I know him. Stay away from him, Richard. He is bad news. Did...
The Role of Power, Position, and Money in Frontline Fundraising (Part 1)

The Role of Power, Position, and Money in Frontline Fundraising (Part 1)

I’ve had a very interesting personal journey with power, position, and money. I was in 7th grade when I got caught stealing money from the student council store. It was a humiliating and embarrassing situation. I got fired from a job in my early twenties for trying to...