What Should My Focus Be as I Build Relationships with My Donors?

What Should My Focus Be as I Build Relationships with My Donors?

Have you ever caught yourself not really listening to what your donor is saying on the phone because you’re so busy thinking about how you can get them to meet with you? Or have you ever asked a donor to meet with you, saying you want to get their input, but you...
Fake Relationships and How to Avoid Them

Fake Relationships and How to Avoid Them

It’s a difficult thing to manage. You really want to care about your donor and help them fulfill their passions and interests, but you also want the money. You have goals to meet, and the pressure is increasing. So, without really intending to, you run the risk of...
Do You Know the Deepest Longing of Your Donor?

Do You Know the Deepest Longing of Your Donor?

Every human being on the face of the earth – no matter what race or gender, no matter what country or culture – every human being wants to know that they matter to someone else, to the group they are in, to their place and standing on the planet. Ask yourself the...
What’s the Antidote to Frustration? Persistence.

What’s the Antidote to Frustration? Persistence.

One of the most frustrating things about being a frontline fundraiser is that donors don’t do what you want them to. I mean, if they would just answer your email, pick up the phone, agree to your meeting, and say yes every time you asked for a gift, your life would be...
Have You Tried Being a Donor?

Have You Tried Being a Donor?

Have you experienced how it feels to give your money to a mission you care deeply about, but then you never hear back about the difference it made? It can make you feel invisible and not connected meaningfully to that organization. I recently wrote a blog about...