Frustrating Things Non-Profits Do that Hijack Major Gifts: Part 2

Frustrating Things Non-Profits Do that Hijack Major Gifts: Part 2

In my last post, I introduced a series about all the ways that non-profits are stunting their major gift programs. Today, we’re going to continue making our way through this list. Let’s get right into it: Lack of investment into the major gift pipeline from...
Frustrating Things Non-Profits Do that Hijack Major Gifts: Part 1

Frustrating Things Non-Profits Do that Hijack Major Gifts: Part 1

For over a decade now, Richard and I (and now folks on our staff) have been writing our Passionate Giving Blog. Our very first blog post was titled “10 Reasons Most Major Gift Programs Suck.” (A lot of people got offended by the word “suck”… but it did provoke...
Question of the Month: Why is co-management helpful and what does it mean?

Question of the Month: Why is co-management helpful and what does it mean?

Most organizations simply don’t have enough resources devoted to training and supporting managers, which means that fundraisers are often left to fend for themselves. Without consistent input, encouragement, and accountability, your fundraisers will struggle to...