How to Level Up as a Fundraiser in 2024: Choose Your Growth Path!

How to Level Up as a Fundraiser in 2024: Choose Your Growth Path!

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you ended 2024 feeling really proud that you learned something new that made you more successful AND that made you happier?! Now I know it may feel ridiculously early to be thinking about the end of 2024. But if we’re going to grow, learn,...
Patience and Persistence: The Heartbeat of Successful Fundraising in 2024

Patience and Persistence: The Heartbeat of Successful Fundraising in 2024

Well, it’s a new year! And as we welcome the new year, it’s a time for reflection, anticipation, and, most importantly, recommitment to your core values as fundraiser. Here at Veritus Group, the stories I’ve heard over the past year from our team are both...
Question of the Month: How do you make it feel safe to move from a transactional fundraising model to a relational model?

Question of the Month: How do you make it feel safe to move from a transactional fundraising model to a relational model?

When you’re leading change, it can create anxiety for some on your team. If your fundraising program has always followed a more transactional approach, when you introduce a relational model, your fundraisers may wonder how they’re going to be measured now, if not by...
10 Reasons Your Fundraising Is Not Working and What to Do About It

10 Reasons Your Fundraising Is Not Working and What to Do About It

It must be embedded in the nature of human beings that we get bored with the basic, the tried and true, the regular thing – that we always are drawn to the shiny object that catches our eye and makes an immediate impression on all those around us. What is it that...