Do You Need Both Revenue AND Aspirational Goals in Major Gifts?

Do You Need Both Revenue AND Aspirational Goals in Major Gifts?

One of my favorite strategies that we’ve implemented into our major gifts coaching is the idea of an aspirational goal. But before I get to that, let me back up and talk a bit more about how we think about and approach goal setting overall. In our major gifts system,...
Answering Your Donor’s ‘If Only’ Question (#6 of 6)

Answering Your Donor’s ‘If Only’ Question (#6 of 6)

This blog post is the final piece in a series of six titled, “The House Your Donor Lives In.” If only. That’s what many of your donors, who have the capacity to give more, are saying. “If only I could do more.” “If only they would let me _________.” While many of your...
How Should You Spend Your Fundraising Budget? (#5 of 6)

How Should You Spend Your Fundraising Budget? (#5 of 6)

This blog post is the fifth in a series of six titled, “The House Your Donor Lives In.” The thing about fundraising budgets is that they are often allocated to various fundraising activities based on internal politics and/or history of spending. By...
Why Most Fundraising Is Ineffective

Why Most Fundraising Is Ineffective

If the main purpose of a non-profit is to address a societal problem, then it follows that securing the resources to address that problem is the other major objective. I talked about this in a blog I wrote earlier this year. But why does securing the resources...