The Ideal Fundraising Organization

If you want to have a ton of fun, get a few non-profit organizational charts, set them down on your desk in front of you, set a timer for 60 minutes, and then try to figure out how they work before the timer runs out.  Bet you won’t be able to do it. I’m looking at...

How Are Your Plans Coming Along? — 1st Quarter Check-In

If you are new to the Passionate Giving blog, back in late December I wrote a series on New Year’s Resolutions.  One of the resolutions was to make sure that in 2012 you are working from a strategic plan. Well…how’s it going? We are now nearing the end of the 1st...

We All Need Each Other — Why Going Solo Doesn’t Work: Direct Response is Beautiful!

Many non-profit fundraising departments are dualistic in their set-up.  Usually I find that either they are direct-response driven or annual fund/event/major gift driven. (For simplicity, let’s call this annual fund driven.)  Both are wonderful…yet deeply flawed if...

We All Need Each Other — Why Going Solo Doesn’t Work: How Program Can Inspire Your Donors!

As she stepped down from the podium, a thunderous burst of applause rang out.  Everyone in the room was standing at their seats. Was it the CEO they were applauding?  The EVP of Development?  No, the people in the room were applauding the head of the program who had...