The Art and Science of “The Ask”

I was recently invited to sit in on a mock presentation in which the real presentation was  to be made to a donor to request a sizable major gift. The organization had been working on this gift for months.  At the end of this presentation I was in awe – not just...

What is YOUR Culture of Philanthropy?

Recently, I participated in a one-day retreat with 12 MGO’s.  It was an energy-filled day.  One of the questions posed by their manager was this: “What should a true culture of philanthropy look like at our organization?” It was a great question, but it elicited some...

An Open Letter to Young Fundraisers.

Dear Young Fundraiser (you know who you are), I want to let you know that you are valued.  I work with all kinds of major gift fundraisers, many of them with 15-20 years of experience, and most of them don’t have your drive, enthusiasm and passion. Thank you for...