MGO Assessment #3: How Well Do You Know Your Product?

Perhaps you haven’t thought about it this way, but on a functional level you are selling a product.  You are giving donors something in exchange for their money.  Often, when I say this, I will get some push back like, “Hey, don’t use the word ‘selling’!  It’s...

MGO Self Assessment #1: The Importance of Evaluating Yourself as an MGO

Every once in a while it’s good to stop and look at yourself carefully to evaluate how you are doing in your major gift job. Jeff and I find that there are many MGO’s in very good organizations who just do not fit and are not happy in their jobs.  Yet they continue to...

Building a Culture of Philanthropy #5: It Takes a Village

If you have been reading this series, you’ll understand that building a culture of philanthropy is really hard work.  No doubt about it.  But, if your organization wants to survive over the next decade, it’s absolutely necessary. So far, I’ve talked about the role of...

Transporting Your Donor to the Scene: Now That Your Donor Is On the Scene

You have successfully taken your donor into the need. You know this is true because it has changed her.  She is keenly aware of what the need is, the cause of that need and the consequence of the need not being met. So she has a firm intellectual grasp of the...

Transporting Your Donor to the Scene: What If the Need Is Not Met?

You heard your mother say it and most of the time it was true. She would say, “If you don’t (insert desired behavior) then you will (insert promised consequence).” And you either learned to believe it when she said it or, if it was just a veiled threat, you learned to...

Think Big or Die, That is NOT a Lie!

The campaign season is in full swing.  That means you are going to begin (if you haven’t already) to hear a lot of lies coming out of candidates’ mouths. But, I will tell you one thing that is not a lie. If you and your non-profit don’t start to think big, you will...