Personalizing touch points is critical to your work with donors. Today on the blog, we’re sharing our top six touch point tips.
Passionate Giving BlogTM
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Dealing With the Fear of Asking
Is a fear of asking or offending your donors holding you back? Most often, there’s some wrong thinking that’s behind this fear.
Do One Small Thing With Love
When you allow yourself to do one small thing for you from a place of love, it can shift your whole perspective.
Keep Your Fundraisers, or Lose Revenue
When fundraisers leave your organization every year or two, that turnover means lost revenue. Here’s how to set them up for success so they’ll be more likely to stay.
Question of the Month: What do major donors want in their first meeting with you?
In this Question of the Month video, Jeff shares about his experience as a donor meeting with a major gift officer for the first time.
Reporting Back on Impact Isn’t Just for Donors
Donors need to know the impact of their giving, and program staff need to know their impact on the donor. Reporting back is a two-way street!